University of Arizona
College of Fine Arts - School of Art

BFA Capstone

Cami Hagen

SyncNote is an app that combines weather, calendar, and notes features. The design includes vibrant yet soft background illustrations according to where the user is located. Journaling, weather, and calendar are all daily app functions that, when paired with calming landscape illustrations, aid the user to be in touch with their surroundings, stay organized, become grounded, and reflect on each day. The graphic and typographic elements of this app have a modern and uplifting aesthetic with light linework and lineless, soft illustrations which all come together to promote serenity and living in each moment. SyncNote is an app design that showcases both my illustration and graphic design skills. With this project, I aimed to portray digital illustration in a graphic design context and digital platform of my own creation. Achieving this through a user product aligns seamlessly with my career goals of pursuing graphic design on a marketing team as well as my interest in UI UX, while also maintaining my illustration practice through freelance work.