Erika Tenorio

My thesis project was to create a series of the historical and cultural significance of Nicaragua’s folklores through illustration and printmaking. By challenging myself in creating the folklores through two different mediums, it makes it a unique and fun way to tell Nicaraguan folklores while demonstrating how much I learned from my illustration and printmaking skills as an art student and storyteller.

This has been an idea I’ve been formulating from the start as a way to represent my culture in a place where there is a lack of Nicaraguans and Central Americans at this institution and state in general.


The folklores chosen are: “Chorotega Origin, El Toro Huaco, El Güegüense, El Macho Ratón, La Gigantona y El Enano Cabezón”. One of these prints will not have an illustration version and one illustration will not have a print version.