Hailey Jo Smith

Hello, and welcome to my undergraduate thesis project! This is a multimedia series with several different art objects that I have created over the course of my senior year at The University of Arizona. Through a study of the Fibonacci Sequence, which is a series of patterns that all natural objects exhibit, I explore the implication of this pattern as it relates to existence, experience, community, responsibility, and purpose. All processes, life forms, experiences, and happenings are intrinsically connected. Nothing occurs in a void, to be part of one moment, is to be part of them all. The sequence can be found in the following: the structure of subatomic particles, the fractals in tree branches, the arrangement of flower petals, the length and organization of animal bone structures, and even the shape of galaxies. This pattern is a touchstone that all of nature and humanity have in common, promoting the sense of connection, appreciation, understanding, and empathy for ourselves and our fellow creatures. I wanted to create a work that focuses on this sequence and encourages the viewer to consider their place and relations in this universe.