BFA Capstone
2020 BFA Capstone

Nicole Borchaloui

This project is a visual and written documentation of the life of my 86-year-old grandmother, Maria del Carmen Magadan Arteaga. She came to the United States at the age of 15 to work and learn English. While here, she met the man who would become her husband and began a life that would be full of joy, hard work, suffering, and triumph. It was important to me to document her story not only as an act of love to her but also because I believe it is necessary to know where we come from to move forward. Remembering where we come from gives us a sense of belonging, pride, and appreciation for those who came before us. It forces us to recognize that we are all members of a long ancestral line. I recorded my grandmother’s stories in the hope that they may be a source of encouragement for my own descendants and treasured for many generations to come.