Deforestation Infographic Poster This infographic poster is designed to show the audience quick facts about the harm of deforestation. I have an aspiration on helping our dear planet, Earth! Although I am one person, I want to make a difference in educating people...
Erruns In the time of pandemic, many people rely on delivery apps and services. Erruns is a mobile app that provides services such as moving, grocery shopping, and more, done at a fast and efficient rate right at your fingertips. I revisited an old project and focused...
Ploybay Issue 1: Quarantine Edition I created a digital zine consisting of illustrations, photo collages, and (crassly stupid) musings. This is the first of a series of, hopefully, monthly zines by the same title. The objective is to entertain and have as a fun,...
Olina For my thesis project, I created Olina, a shampoo line that is 100% eco-friendly. I believe that many of us get caught up with our own beauty at the expense of environmental health. Most shampoo brands contain a harmful chemical that not only harms the...
For All Cosmetics For my thesis project, I created a cosmetics line for MAC Cosmetics called For All Cosmetics. My goal was to create an iconic high-end logo that represents the company’s purpose and values while continuing to display their current aesthetic. MAC...