My Deer Friend is a piece of 2D hand-drawn animation which investigates themes of loneliness and friendship. The story follows Delia the deer as she attempts to approach her crush, a fox named Francine. This concept is rooted in my own experiences in overcoming my...
For this project, I did a rebrand of The National Veterans Wheelchair Games logo. The NVWG is an annual event created for military veterans to partake in many different competitive sports. I created promotional posters that could be printed physically or used for...
SyncNote is an app that combines weather, calendar, and notes features. The design includes vibrant yet soft background illustrations according to where the user is located. Journaling, weather, and calendar are all daily app functions that, when paired with calming...
For my thesis I decided to do two background designs that would be used in an animation. Each background is created with the intention of them being set from the same red planet. They are sci-fi, post-apocalyptic illustrations that could be used in numerous storylines...