This project was intended to work as an expansion to my independent study, which is a graphic novel called Emilia Red. The story follows the two main characters, Emilia and Theo, on their various misadventures. After being hired to steal an egg from a dragon, Emilia...
Rose Colored Gashes This is the first half of an animated short film I’m working on about a lonely, abandoned boy who falls in love with a girl who turns out to be evil. But his love for her blinds him and he is only able to see her as good despite the horrific...
RoyalBlue Airlines Mobile App For my thesis project I decided to expand on a sub airline brand I created for KLM Airlines and design an app. RoyalBlue works on a membership basis and is aimed at young entrepreneurs. What makes my app different from others is that once...
Alchemy Interior My thesis project consists of the branding, product designs, and an interior design case study for the business I am starting called Alchemy Interior. Alchemy Interior’s mission is to transform spaces through environmentally sustainable...
Monumentum The Monumentum project is my first real foray into the incredible art of long-form storytelling. I have an intense admiration for compelling narratives and absolutely no experience writing them myself. These watercolors have been my attempt to arrive at...