The Whistful Woods “The Whistful Woods” is a hypothetical fantasy farming sim and adventure game, centered in a haunted forest. In theory, the player would socialize with the local cast of characters while developing a small rural community and gathering...
Monumentum The Monumentum project is my first real foray into the incredible art of long-form storytelling. I have an intense admiration for compelling narratives and absolutely no experience writing them myself. These watercolors have been my attempt to arrive at...
Elements For my thesis project, I decided to brand a restaurant that was themed around the elements. The brand is designed to look current and luxurious while feeling comfortable. My target market was meant to reach middle to upper class individuals, providing an...
The Last Bus Home A project rooted in my interest in narratives in various forms ranging from auditory to visual. This project focuses on developing the designs of characters in a fiction podcast titled “The Last Bus Home.” Based on my many excursions on public...
Deforestation Infographic Poster This infographic poster is designed to show the audience quick facts about the harm of deforestation. I have an aspiration on helping our dear planet, Earth! Although I am one person, I want to make a difference in educating people...