DECADENT MAIDENS This project is an homage to the history of Gothic Lolita and the international wide spread of this movement. Dedicated to femininity, independence, and self-expression. I wanted to pay tribute to these elements through these designs of collage,...
Nebulous Nebulous is a zine-format comic based on the concept of exploring different realities through dreams. The story follows Nic and her two young friends as they try to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. However, Nic receives a strange vision that causes her to...
The Pleasurematic takes elements of American 1950’s commercial design and combines it with the topic of masturbation. During that time, sex toys had not been officially put on the market, so reliance on body massagers would not have been uncommon. It also would have...
Whilst combining my love for history and stories, I decided to illustrate three dust jacket covers loosely inspired by the relationship between Marc Antony, his wife Octavia, and Cleopatra. One of my biggest inspirations come from the art style in Korean manhwas and...
Nothing’s New The study of physics, and especially theoretical physics, has always had a strong impact on me, and I wanted my final thesis animation to have a theme that I resonated with. There is a concept in physics that says that matter is not created nor...