“Colors of the Sky” This poster series is my love letter to planes and the world of aviation. As the daughter of two US Air Force veterans and a childhood spent at the Pima Air and Space Museum, planes and history have always been in my life and in my heart. Although...
For my thesis I wanted to focus on my culture. As a proud member on the Pascua Yaqui Tribe here in Arizona, I want to be able to show myself and who I am as an indigenous woman. Being as it is male respected, I asked permission from my elders to grant me permission to...
Concept: For my capstone project I wanted to push outside of my comfort zone through the pursuit of world building and concept exploration. I enjoy character design, and while I don’t have much experience with it myself, I find concept art and the world building...
My Senior Capstone Project is a 2-minute animated video. Due to my current interest in creating visual stories, the Korean song, “Bills,” inspired me to animate a music video that conveys the deep meaning of the song. The language barrier challenged me to effectively...